a) The forum language is English. If you prefer to communicate in German, please use the forum in German. You can use your existing login data, you don't have to register again. It is allowed to post in both forums.
b) It is not allowed to write posts which offend any laws in any country. It is not allowed to publish posts which contain following contents: Weapons, pornography, racism, discrimination, indignities and insults.
c) It is not allowed to publish personal contact data, neither own ones nor other ones. The only exceptions are the own first name, own city you live in and the age. If you want to share personal contact data with others, please use the function PM (private message) or Email.
d) No Topic bumping. It is not allowed to bring a post to the top of the list by using topic bumping (= no new short answers like "Bump!", "Top!", "Bring it up!" etc.). It is allowed to answer own posts, if editing the previous post is not very usefull or if a new topic is more clearly. e) No cross posting. It is not allowed to place posts with the same or almost the same content in different forums.
f) No publishing of links to 'hidden' auctions. It is not allowed to publish links to running live auctions (no matter which auction plattform) which can not or not easily be found by using the usual search words. Exception: In the Club forum (invitation by the Administrator, only for members with rank Star Member and up or very trustable members). It is allowed to post links to hidden auctions which are closed and links to live-auctions which can be found very easy.
g) Using pictures in the forums. It is allowed to place pictures into your posts as long as they do not offend any rules.
h) Selling and trading in the forum Trade & Sell. Only items which are Game&Watch related or related to other retro games may be offered for sale and trade. It is allowed to add pictures to posts or to add a link to an external website with pictures of the offered items. Pictures and links must be deleted from the post as soon as an item it not available anymore or the offered items must be marked as sold or similar. It is allowed to write a price for the items into the posts.
i) gameandwatch.ch is not responsible for any abuse of the website gameandwatch.ch. Swiss law applies. Area of jurisdiction is Laufenburg AG.