Model numbers FAQ
-Fantasized by sAner-Have you ever wondered what the model numbers of the Game & Watches mean?
Did you ever think of the fact those model numbers are acronyms and the two letters actually stand for something? Of course you have!
Some are very easy to guess (it doesn't take a college degree to understand that the letters DK in DK-52 stand for Donkey Kong) but sometimes it is very difficult to think of anything (what in God's name do the letter Y & M mean in the model numbers of the various Mario games?).
We tried to give all the model numbers a meaning. Read what we fantasized and let us know your alternatives. Just make a comment or two.
Here we go:
Silver Series:
AC01 - ACtion or ACrobat
FL02 - FLagman
MT03 - MoleTrap or Mogura Tataki
RC04 - ResCue
IP05 - InterPret
Gold Series:
MH06 - ManHole
CN07 - CarpeNter
LN08 - LioN
Wide Screen Series:
PR21 - PaRachute
OC22 - OCtopus
PP23 - PoPeye
FP24 - Frying Pan
MC25 - Mickey Mouse
EG26 - EGg
FR27 - FiRe
TL28 - TurtLe
ID29 - InDians
SP30 - SnooPy
Multi Screen Series:
OP51 - Oil Panic
DK52 - Donkey Kong
MD53 - Mickey & Donald
GH54 - GreenHouse
JR55 - donkey kong JR
MW56 - Mario's World
LP57 - Laundry Panic
TC58 - TitaniC
PB59 - PinBall
BJ60 - BlackJack
MG61 - Maze Game
BD62 - Bombs Department or Bomb sweeper & Dynamite jack
JB63 - Juvenile Buster or Jail Breaker or Jail Buster
MV64 - Montezuma's Vengeance
ZL65 - ZelDa
Table Top Series:
CJ71 - Cong jr. or Color jr.
CM72 - Concrete Mixer
SM73 - Snoopy Music or Snoopy Melody
PG74 - Popeye's Game
Panorama Series:
SM91 - Snoopy Music or Snoopy Melody
PG92 - Popeye's Game
CJ93 - Cong jr. or Color jr.
TB94 - Throw Bomb
DC95 - Donkey kong Circus
MK96 - MicKey mouse
Note: DC-95 is the model number of Mickey Mouse and MK-96 the one from Donkey Kong Circus. Maybe Nintendo exchanged the model numbers.
New Wide Screen Series:
DJ101 - Donkey kong Jr.
ML102 - Mario & Luigi
NH103 - maNHole
TF104 - Tropical Fish
YM105 - YumpMan (originally Mario was called Jumpman)
DR106 - DRagalo
BF107 - BalloonFight
MB108 - Mario vs Ball
Super Color Series:
BU201 - Blow Upwards
UD202 - Up & Down
Micro vs. System Series:
BX301 - BoXing
AK302 - Attack & Kill (okay, we agree ... this one IS farfetched!)
AK302 - Ass Kong (Ass = Donkey! Input given by member Collectorscorner)
HK303 - HocKey
Crystal Screen Series:
YM801 - YumpMan
DR802 - DraGalo
BF803 - BalloonFight
Special Game:
YM901s - Yellow Mario
- sAner