Hi y'all, a while ago I started collecting Game and Watch, and the more I'm into it, the more questions I have. Here's a couple of them, I hope someone has the knowledge to give me some clarity....
There are a few things I know about serialnumbers. First editions have them on the inside of the box flap as well as on the backside of the console. They tend to not quite match, but allmost. However, I also have some boxed first edition games where the numbers on box and console don't match at all. But I do suspect that console and box are both part of the original unit. If the numbers on console and box don't match at all, does this always mean that the console is not the original one that was in the box back in the day? Or were serialnumbers on box and console regarding to some first editions totally different from the beginning?
Screen bleed:
One of my consoles has severe screen bleed; most of the screen is black. Apart from this the game is fine and works perfectly. I searched on the internet how to fix screen bleed, but I didn't find much. Only a guy on Youtube who fixes the screen of his LCD watch by 'massaging' the disassembled screen. I disassembled my game and massaged the hell out of the screen for many houres, without any improvement. All other comments on this matter I read so far is: Impossible to fix. Now, these comments are a bit dated; maybe by now some clever soul figured out a solution. Has anyone heard, read or experienced any possibillities of fixing screen bleed? Are there any new methods dese days?
(p.s. Sorry if these topics already have been discussed)