Hi guys,
I'm doing quite a big "spring cleaning" and while browsing into some of my childhood stuff I found in a box this old Mario The Juggler G&W. I was going to sell it in a garage sale or something and just decided to have a look around the internet to see if it was worth anything... and I got quite a nice surprise
So anyway, the game is boxed with the box being in very good condition, the serial number is on the game, it comes with the manual and a pink sheet of paper with cautions about the batteries and liquid crystal. The batteries stickers aren't in it unfortunately and the batteries are not the original ones. When I found the game there were no more batteries inside it so I bought new ones to try it out and it works perfectly fine. For information, the game was bought in France and there is a sticker on the box with specs written in French.
I would be asking XXX for it and prefer not to send it by mail as I wouldn't want anything to happen to the game while being transported. So I would prefer to hand it over in person in the Geneva/Lausanne area.