Archive: Annual statistics
The popular price statistics from 2006 to 2013 are available again. If you would like to indulge in a little nostalgia, click here.
Have fun!
Two world records!
Linda Watson is a passionate collector of gaming systems. In 2006 she published "Watson's Price Guide for Vintage Electronic Games collectors". Together with Oli "collectorscorner" we interviewed her a little later. (Link to the interview).
Linda has an absolutely amazing collection of game consoles. She will even be in the next Guinnes Book of World Records (year 2022). She holds not one, but two world records!
- Largest Collection of LCD Gaming Systems - 1,599
- Largest collection of playable gaming systems- 2,430
Link to the article on the Guinnes Book of World Records website:
Video on SnapChat:
It works in a browser, but it is bit choppy. In SnapChat it flows beautifully.
New Promo Game&Watch popeye Club de Vacaciones
The series of special promo games will be extended by a further game. A Popeye with the imprint "Club de Vacaciones" was discovered.
This "brand" was (and still is) a famous holiday club (like Club Med in France), which is based in Spain. The owner tells me that her mother worked in this club in the 80's and that it was given to her on her 10th working anniversary. So I suspect that these were only promotional games for employees. No idea how many of them were made.
>> For more information see Promo Game&watch
Worlds biggest Game&Watch game!
Copyright Guinness World Records, Ben MacMahon It's been a while but still worth an article: A Game&Watch fan has made the world's biggest and playable(!) Game&Watch game. Tom Tilley from Australia made a huge Octopus Game for the Maker Faire Adelaide in 2017 and he made it into the Guinness Book of Records 2019.
The game measures 193 cm in width and 116 cm in height! Tom used an LCD TV, wood and various other materials. had the opportunity to interview Tom:
35th Birthday of Super Mario Bros: New Game&Watch!
For the 35th birthday of Super Mario Bros., Nintendo will release a new Game&Watch game!
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