A very rare Octopus from Argentinia was sold on eBay for about CHF 300.00 / EUR 189,50. There are two interesting facts on this game: The yellow box and the blue case. The box is different from the known ones in another way as well. A styropore is missing, instead the game is hold by the inner carton of the box.
Obviously the box was manufacturd in Rio Grande, Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). On the back side it reads: Bajo Licencia de Nintendo Co. Ltd. - Electronica Status - Industria Argentina.
Strange fact: The game has a blue case instead of a red one. On its backside it reads in Spanish: Modelo N° OC-22 Fabricado por Electronica Status Bajo Licencia de Nintendo Co. Ltd. - Industria Argentina.
Unfortunately its unknown how many of them where manufactured.
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