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The great Nintendo Handheld Games from the 80's ...!

Game&Watch ArkanoidFor a long time there are runors about a G&W Tetris. And there is the 20th million anniversary Green House. And now comes Game&Watch Multi Screen Arkanoid. Read on now...

Game&Watch TetrisThe Game&Watch Tetris is well known to collectors and it's even famous. Unfortunately it's more likely a rumor than truth, because no one ever really has seen this game (if not: prove it!). But obviously Nintendo did not only have Tetris in mind (if they ever did), but another classic game: Arkanoid!

Well, I'll make it short: A few days ago, new member of did send me some pictures of the Game&Watch Arkanoid, which never made it onto the market.

Game&Watch Arkanoid Game&Watch Arkanoid Game&Watch Arkanoid manual

The G&W member wrote me:

Hello Gawaleus
I did discover your homepage a short while ago. I'm sending you some pictures which might be of your interest. I own a Game & Watch which was never released. I live in Switzerland, but I was born in Japan. My mother still lives there. My father used to work at Nintendo in the development. Sometimes he did bring a game back home. So this one, which never was sold in stores. I don't sell this game, because it brings up many memories from my childhood and my father. But maybe you want to use the pictures for your homepage. Please don't mention my name or address.

Thank you and regards

Game&Watch ArkanoidI was stunned! Thank you very much ... for your email. I'm very pleased! At the same moment I'm asking myself, how many other games did exist which never made it onto the market. But back to this beautiful game. The back side shows the model number as usual. It's AN-66, so the game was supposed to be released after Zelda (model number ZL-65).

I don't have more information at the moment, but I'll contact ... to get more information, hopefully.

Game&Watch ArkanoidGame&Watch Arkanoid