Game&Watch collector Gary from San Francisco USA sent me some pictures of his green Fire. Interesting fact is, that its not really green, but more like blue-green. Gary writes (shortened version):
«I read your article couple days ago about the green Fire FR-27. I believe I have one as well. I bought it loose from a UK seller in Sept 2009 for about US$40. I did not realize it was a green one until I received it and noted the difference. I still have some doubt now but I compared it too another blue version i have and it is a pretty different.
The funny thing I noted is the battery compartment shows "blue" color as like someone has painted the other parts in green.
Actually it is quite a different to the Popeye green. See the comparison pictures. I would think the green is like a bluish-green, in between the Fire blue and the Popeye green. I have been thinking if it is a "faded color"; however it does not look like it cause all the green applied to every part of the cover evenly, i.e. the area around the screen / button. Also, from looking at the back, the green is much more bluish in some way.
Also - buy following your database, I saw some fire games look very "green" as well. Not sure if it is just the problem when taking pictures.
Hope you or someone else has a clue.»
Many thanks to Gary, for his information and permission to use his pictures here.