In an earlier article from January 10th 2009 I wrote about a green Fire FR-27 from the Wide Screen Series. Each collector knows, that the body of this game is blue and not green. But there are exceptions...
Just yesterday, such a rare variation was sold on eBay for just a few Euro. I asked the seller where he got the game from, and he told me, that he did find it in the attic...
The game was sold for cheap EUR 50,00. The seller lives in Germany. Interesting fact, that the game has tricOtronic instructions included. But on the box itself there is no hint or note about tricOtronic or the distributor of it, named Bienengräber. But the tricOtronic instruction tells us, that the game originally was sold in Germany or maybe in Switzerland or in Austria.
It's unknown how many green Fire do exist and why there are green Fire FR-27. There are just very few of them out there, otherwise we would see them more often.
I have checked the serial number of the game (20042629) with my database. The next higher serial number of a Fire is 20060525, the next lower one is 19983965. And now it gets interesting:
The serial number 20060525 belongs to a Pocketsize Fire. The game originally was sold in USA/Canada. Unfortunately the picture does not clearly tell us if the body of the game is green or blue. Have a look yourself ==> Download as ZIP/MHT file.
The game with the serial number 19983965 was sold in Belgium and it looks like the body of the game is green. Have a look yourself: ==> Download as ZIP/MHT file.
And here is the link to the auction of the green Fire or Download as ZIP/MHT.
Many tanks to the seller of this game. He gave me lot of information and the permission to use his pictures here. And no, it was not me who did buy the game, someone else was faster